The example exhibits a turning point, a Hopf bifurcation, and a period doubling sequence.
All of the bifurcations are essential ingredients of a risk analysis for electric power systems. Figures 15 and 16 show a simulation for varying
(the reactive power demand). The simulation illustrates a collapse of the voltage V of a generator.
For the other figures, the parameter is kept (quasi-)stationary.
Figure 1 and 2 show the bifurcation scenario, the other figures show phase portraits and time history for a selection of parameter values.
The development of a blue-sky catastrophe is illustrated in Figures 3-5. Figures 10-14 report on the growing complexity of the orbits when
is passing through the range of period doubling. This leads to chaos, which is illustrated in Figure 9.
For further reference on the risk aspect, see R. Seydel: Assessing Voltage Collapse. Proceedings of a Conference on Risk Analysis. Paris 1998.
Figure 2
Bifurcation diagram V and
versus load
all stationary states and some periodic states (S: stationary, P: periodic, s: stable, u: unstable, HB: Hopf bifurcation, PD: periodic doubling)
Figure 3
Phase diagram (projection). Horizontal axis: ;
vertical axis: V. (
Figure 4
Phase diagram (projection). Horizontal axis: ;
vertical axis: V. (
Figure 5
Phase diagram (projection). Horizontal axis: ;
vertical axis: V. (
Figure 6
Phase diagram, periodic orbit, unstable
T=4.6376, projection: horizontal axis
vertical axis V.
Figure 7
Phase diagram, two periodic orbits for
one stable (T=3.802) and one unstable (T=1.913) projection: horizontal axis
vertical axis V.
Figure 8
Phase diagram, unstable periodic orbit,
T=7.62, projection: horizontal axis
vertical axis V.
Figure 9
Phase diagram,
projection: horizontal axis
vertical axis V.
Figure 10
Periodic orbit: ``simple'' period.
Figure 11
Periodic orbit: ``double'' period.
Figure 12
Periodic orbit: ``fourfold'' period.
Figure 15
V(t), with
varying linearly from
Collapse of voltage.
Figure 16
Phase diagram corresponding to previous figure. Projection to
varying linearly from